Is a Pellet Basket in a built-in fireplace safe?
There are indeed pellet baskets that you can safely use in an existing stove or fireplace. How long the pellets burn and therefore how often you need to refill them depends on the oxygen supply in your stove. On Youtube you can find a lot of videos that show exactly how such a basket works. It is safe to burn a pellet basket in your built-in fireplace.
The pellet basket 2.0 is made of 3mm thick high quality steel and has a good lifetime. Here we have added a fire grid, because this way the pellets get more oxygen and therefore do not smoke.
So you can burn the wood pellets in your fireplace or wood stove. Using this pellet basket, you can easily experience the benefits of firing wood pellets. You fill the pellet basket with about 5 kg of wood pellets. You can easily ignite the fire with a firelighter or fire gel. After igniting, the pellet basket will burn for 2 to 3 hours depending on the supply of oxygen in your fireplace. Tip! The lighter the pellets are in color (softwood) the easier the basket will burn.
Which size pellet basket (Small, Medium and Large) you need depends completely on your (wood) stove/insertion. One option is to measure your fireplace and then order a basket from our webshop. This basket also comes with a free bag of “white” pellets, a fire grid and a discount coupon.
We also own several types of pellets (De Lange white, De Lange brown and Plospan). You can easily order it, ordered before 3pm = home the next business day.